Sweet Dreams!
Title: Sweet Dreams Series: Beach Squad Series #1 Author: Marika Ray Genre: Romance Release Date: February 22, 2018 A romance so sweet it’ll give you a cavity… After the devastating loss of my parents when I was in college, I vowed to focus all my energy on fulfilling my promise to my mom: to open up the hot chocolate store we’d always dreamed of running together. No distractions. My plans are set. But things heat up faster than I can handle when a bronzed lifeguard pursues me in the most delicious of ways. Mix in a stalker determined to throw me off my game, and a comical, ass-kicking Beach Squad (okay, ‘squad’ is a littler over the top…it’s just me and my two best friends)…well, then you have a situation that requires a level of bravery I don’t know if I possess. I may appear to be a damsel in distress, but I can save my own damn self, thank you very much. And I might just keep that hottie...