5 Star Review of Cut Short by Julia Wolf
Title: Cut Short Author: Julia Wolf Genre: Romantic Comedy Release Date: March 22, 2018 "This book was a breath of fresh air for me- nothing too heavy and a great love story!" -Roasted Romance "...you can't help but fall in love with Joe, he is like a warm sweater and hot chocolate in front of a fireplace on a cold wintry day. You just want to melt along side Rachel as she falls in love with him."-Suzanne, reviewer "This book consumed me. I was sneaking chapters in at work. Getting excited when friends canceled plans for the night and stayed up WAY past my bedtime to finish it. Everything, legit everything about this book pulled me in. Honestly from the start."-Trashy Biblio Blog 5 Stars! While I had a hard time connecting at the very beginning there is just something about seeing your past crush right in front of your face that will keep you coming back for more. I don't know if it is the writi...