Laced With Fear by Hayley Faiman
Title: Laced with Fear Series: Cash Bar Book 1 Author: Hayley Faiman Genre: MC Romance Release Date: April 23, 2018 A Notorious Devils Spin-off Series - Ginger knows evil. She’s looked it straight in the eye. Now, she is determined to overcome her fears—one day at a time. Her life began again, with a second chance at love. Snake, the president of the Notorious Devils, understands guilt. Every time he looks at his pregnant wife, that guilt threatens to consume him. He’s a new man now. A changed man—or at least that’s what he tells himself. *Recommended for readers 18+ due to, Violence, Language, and Sexual Content. a Rafflecopter giveaway 5 Stars! Hayley Faiman has done it again, with a book that is so sexy and filled with raw emotion that you can't help but be compelled to read it. The Cash Bar series is bound to be one of the great quick reads...