Xavier Neal, Blur Cover Reveal

Title: Blur (A Senses Series Companion Novel) 
Author: Xavier Neal 
Release Date: May 3rd, 2016 
Cover Designer: Angie Merriam
 Model: Griffin Kodors

Aside from being a father, husband, and lucrative business owner, Logan "Unbreakable" Kellar is a retired MMA world champion. However, after a challenge is made that he can't refuse, stepping back into the ring will do more than warm up old routines and habits. Will Logan be able to withstand the punches pulled in and out of the ring or will everything he loves suddenly become just a blur?

Xavier Neal lives in Texas where she spends her time getting lost in writing, reading, or fandoms she recently discovered. Whether she is enjoying books or movies, she continues finding inspiration at every turn to bring more exciting stories to life. She also enjoys eating cupcakes, watching Netflix, and pretending to have Oprah interview her!

Twitter: @XavierNeal87


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