Title: Chameleon Soul Series: Chequered Flag #1 Author: Mia Hoddell Genre: NA Contemporary Romance Release Date: February 2, 2016 Publisher: Limitless Publishing After one fateful night, Raine Wilkins’ life has never been the same… Two years into a relationship with Formula 1 driver Teo Coates, Raine walks out of his life without offering an explanation. To shield him from horrifying events that are best kept secret, Raine breaks her own heart and the heart of the man she loves. And left with no choice, Teo is forced to abandon Raine to finish his race season. However, Teo always wins, and losing Raine’s heart has only made him more determined to reclaim it… Now, a year later, he’s back, and she’s his only goal. But Raine is no longer the same girl he left behind; she’s broken by the past and struggling to cope with each day. Unbearable memories have her nights plagued with fear, while her days are spent deliberately hiding away to avoid tr...
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